7 tips for great days on the ski slopes

It’s the snow season. Or for us who enjoy zipping down mountainsides with pieces of glass and carbon fiber strapped to our feet, it’s the ski or snowboard season. Here are 7 tips to make your ski and snowboard days even better.

By Jakob Persson

Zebra striping based on cell contents in Google Spreadsheets

In its latest version, Google Docs spreadsheets now support using formulas for conditionally formatting cell font and background colors. What this means is that you can make your sheets much easier to read. Here are some useful formulas for sprucing up your sheets.

By Jakob Persson

What a difference a slider can make to usability

I was excited today to see that Apple had released the new version of Keynote. An avid user and long time fan, I was looking forward to seeing the new features. So far I’m mostly disappointed, and it’s because of one tiny detail.

By Jakob Persson

Results-Only Web Investments – Resources, books and links

During my session in Prague on September 26th, I talked about result-only web investments. If you want to learn more about working results-only, here are some links and books.

By Jakob Persson

The Definitive Guide to a Successful DrupalCamp

Welcome to the world of conference creation --- a challenge of organizing, coordinating and planning. A lot of work leading up to just a few days of intense emotions. I'm glad you've decided to take on this challenge and I hope the conference creation experience will be as rewarding for you as mine have been. This guide was written with the intent of helping you make your conference a blast and a source of fun and excitement for organizers as well as attendees.

By Jakob Persson