I just had a great weekend at DrupalCamp Wrocław

I've spent the past weekend in Wrocław, Poland as a speaker at the second Polish DrupalCamp. It was a wonderful weekend and a fantastic camp at a very beautiful and welcoming location.

By Jakob Persson

Artificial Intelligence or The Redefinition of Being Human

This is a paper I wrote back when I was studying cognitive science as part of a course in artificial intelligence. Unlike my classmates who wrote on algorithms and research in "fuzzy logic", I wrote about the philosophical implications of AI. It's almost ten years old but I believe many of the ideas presented regarding cyborgs and the definition of intelligence still hold water and are as relevant as ever.

By Jakob Persson

The importance of acting on opportunities to make your customers smile

I recently experienced a customer service situation which left me very dissatisfied. But the situation was in fact a missed opportunity for the seller to make me very happy. Missed because of policy. Don't make that mistake. Make sure you spot and act on opportunities to build truly remarkable relationships with your customers.

By Jakob Persson

Keeping your hands warm and your phone connected on the ski slopes

I recently went skiing. For this trip I modified my helmet headphones with the simple addition of a mike with remote control button. Here's some DIY for you who want to stay connected while on the slopes!

By Jakob Persson

Calling for social contracts for the web

How many of the services you use do you allow to "connect" to your Facebook or Twitter account? If you're like me, not many. Too many times a web service has given itself extraordinary freedom to act on my behalf and 'sharing' my activity on Facebook. I've felt betrayed. But I believe this can be avoided if we just formalize expected etiquette through 'social contracts'.

By Jakob Persson