Results-Only Web Investments
Results-Only Web Investments

Results-Only Web Investments – Resources, books and links

During my session in Prague on September 26th, I talked about result-only web investments. If you want to learn more about working results-only, here are some links and books.

Full session with questions

Presentation slides

Related links

Previous talks


If you have any questions about my talk or the topic, feel free to post them here or to me on Twitter (@jakobper).

This article was updated on 2020-03-01

Jakob Persson

Your host. A founder and entrepreneur since 20 years. Having worked as a freelancer, consultant and co-founder of a successful digital agency has shaped his skills in and insights into business. Jakob blogs at, speaks at events and consults with agencies and freelancers in growing and developing their companies. He holds degrees in media technology and cognitive science.
